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Is 5.5 a good score in IELTS?
If you get 5.5 in IELTS General or IELTS Academic, will it be enough for obtaining a work visa or even entering university? In other words, is 5.5 a good score on IELTS?
Overall, a 5.5 score in IELTS will not let you get into top-ranking universities but still may get you into some colleges in the US or other countries. Although, it is unlikely this score will allow the applicant to receive a scholarship. It also may not be enough for immigration or work visa purposes in many countries. But it is enough for few of them – read further.
The international standardized test of the English language is proof of language proficiency for non-native English learners, hugely accepted by European countries, as well as the UK, Ireland, Canada, and New Zealand. Depending on immigration purposes, there are IELTS General and IELTS Academic for those who want to work or get a degree abroad.
IELTS Life Skills is a special British option for candidates, who need to confirm A1 or B1 listening and speaking skills, according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Unlike other modules, on this occasion, you receive a pass/fail result instead of a score.
IELTS score and the level of English
There are 4 sections in the IELTS exam: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Writing and speaking are evaluated by professional examiners, listening, and reading is checked by markers. So that you get 4 bands and an overall result is an average one, which is rounded to the nearest integer value or ½ of it.
If arithmetic mean ends with .25, then the band is rounded to the next ½. If it ends with .75, then we talk about rounding to the nearest integer value.
IELTS bands range from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 9, represented non-users and expert users respectively. Let us look at the relation between CEFR and IELTS scale and figure it out, what level you have reached.
Band 4 is the borderline between A2 and B1, you need to cross in case you are set to get an Independent user result (B1).
B1 includes IELTS bands 4.5 and 5, but the only band 5 minimum indicates Vocational use of English. Band 5.5 is the lowest point, which relates to B2 (Upper-Intermediate level of English). Yet it is still not enough to establish Competent English, as it requires a band 6 score.
Is 5.5 in IELTS a good score for achieving the right of permanent residence or citizenship?
The language test is a significant part of the visa application process, however, IELTS General bands, required for immigration, tend to vary in different countries. Basic English skills do not allow you to achieve the right of permanent residence or citizenship, because they are insufficient for successful communication building and consequently for integration with the local community.
As we have already mentioned, band 5. 5 is an indicator of Vocational English and it is accepted by immigration officials of the small number of countries. With this IELTS score, you can immigrate to:
– Australia. Department of Immigration and Citizenship accepts Vocational English as well as Competent English skills.
– Canada. But bear in mind that obtaining the Canadian Language Benchmarks 7 – 9 bands are also required.

Is 5.5 enough for work visa applicants?
Quite similar to immigration requirements, it may differ, depending on the country you have chosen. Working position and specialization matter too: teachers, for instance, must achieve band 7 to practice their professions. Some occupations abroad require Competent English skills, whereas a limited list of countries may welcome applicants with Vocational English:
– New Zealand. The minimum band, accepted by the country, is 4 in both Academic and General modules. This band is mandatory for obtaining a work visa, while for permanent residency it is required to get a band 6.5. In addition to it, applicants for a work visa can prove their level of English with information about living in English-speaking countries or the family’s English skills.
– Australia. Still, some occupations require Competent English skills.
– Canada. And again, you should contact a particular organization or employers, as the required score tends to differ.
As for the UK, IELTS Life Skills is a key, which supports a UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) application. IELTS Life Skills A1 is sufficient when it comes to applying for the UK Visas and Immigration family, partner, or spouse visa.
Is band 5.5 sufficient to study abroad?
If you are determined to enter a top-ranking university, then 5.5 in IELTS Academic does not allow you to do so. As a rule, educational institutions accept applicants with a 6.0 – 6.5 score, especially for Writing and Reading. So only Competent English skills empower learners to enroll in academic institutions.
Best European universities may even require band 7.0 for undergraduates and 7. 5 for graduates, which indicates a more advanced and complex understanding of English. But the good thing is that 5.5 IELTS score is sufficient for numerous European and American colleges.
This means that you can get into college, acquire a more advanced level of English, and then will be accepted to the university right to the second year.
In case you are more interested in entering university and getting a degree, we have prepared for you a shortlist of educational institutions, that are accepted applicants with a 5.5 IELTS score. But please remember that you may hardly count on scholarships or supplementary grants.
1. Royal Roads University in Canada focuses on collaboration, so a group-based approach helps students to obtain hands-on professional skills. A special Learning, Teaching, and Research Model engages students and involves them in creativity, dialogue, and diverse communication with the international community.
2. The city university of London accepts students from 160 countries around the world and has a preparation course with university-style teaching. The university also cooperates with 5. 000 global companies and ranked 11th in the UK for “starting salary for graduates”.
3. Delaware State University in The USA prepares leaders of tomorrow and gives students a chance to discover innovations in medicine, agriculture, and military defense. In addition to it, learners are encouraged to build up confidence and fulfill their potential with the help of more than 100 student organizations.
4. Murray State University in the USA concentrates on real career goals. This is why over 200 employers offer the best students high-paid jobs every year. Because of small classes, professors give particular attention to each student, eager to fill them all with support and encouragement.
5. ESIEE Paris, in France, invites international students to obtain a master’s degree in computer science, engineering, and other innovative specializations taught in English only. And, what is more, it gets students prepared for high-profile international careers and to dive into French culture.
Want to improve your band score? You should stop searching for IELTS tricks and start from mastering English to cross the line between B1 and B2. After enhancing your gramma and vocab, take up extensive preparation for all sections. You can find some helpful tips below and take the first step to reach a better result.

Tips for efficient IELTS preparation
First of all, divide your preparation into several stages to reduce stress and set yourself small goals, quite easy to achieve. Plan your everyday lessons, that should not be too long, but efficient. Write to-do lists and put them in a visible place.
Use more time-management hacks, if you need it. Focus on a particular section and do not think about, how to practice everything at once.
1. Practice active listening. Instead of doing mock tests only, combine it with mastering your active listening skills. Listen to podcasts and Ted talks with the lower speed and write what you hear. Start over and over again until only unknown words remain. Then check your notes by looking at subtitles. This can be hard at the beginning of preparation, but soon you will get used to different accents, which is beneficial for the IELTS listening part.
2. Read English newspapers and articles on the internet. It helps to learn lots of modern vocabulary, you can come across in the IELTS reading, useful for both Writing and Speaking sections too. Try to focus on the main key-points, not on the whole texts. Do not forget about mock reading texts to be lexically prepared for different topics.
3. Write in English regularly. It can be your ideas for work and leisure, to-do lists, or even letters. Use grammar structures you have learned to write it blindfolded. Correct spelling by writing words over again in sentences and pay attention to common mistakes. Find an English teacher, willing to analyze your works more deeply.
4. Prepare notes for speaking topics. Practice speaking on different topics with foreigners or in front of a mirror. Include phrasal verbs and idioms to impress your IELTS examiner, but do not overuse them. Your primary goal is to speak naturally, but good vocabulary and grammar should not be underestimated.
5. Learn more about the specifics of the exam. It goes with saying that you have to know everything about the timing and specific features of each IELTS part. There are several kinds of tasks in reading, for instance, so you need different strategies to deal with it. Likewise, it is necessary to learn more about essay structure to be prepared for completing the writing section successfully.
Overall, IELTS requires good preparation like any other standardized test, even if you know English more or less alright. Because better score leads to more options and opportunities.