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Careers for People Bad at Math
What are good careers for people bad at math? There are many options for non-math people. Most of them are careers in human sciences, also called “humanities.” Careers in humanities include arts, history, law, music, teaching, sales, human resources, and many more.
Mathematics is the basis for all the other natural sciences and many humanities. It is due to the development of this science that humanity has made an impressive technological leap. Without mathematics, it would be impossible to develop physics, chemistry, engineering, programming, architecture, and many other disciplines.
But here is the question. How to choose a career if you not good at math? If a person is bad at math, is he or she hopeless? Let us try to analyze which non-math careers a person can choose and in what way.
Career choice depends on the interests, abilities, skills, values of the person. Also, on the age, financial condition and family plans, place of residence. The question of mathematics is ambiguous. Thorough knowledge of mathematics may not be necessary for many careers. But some knowledge of basic math could be necessary.
Of course, life will likely be easier for someone who knows math. All the necessary knowledge can be learned either on your own, in school, or at work. The good news is that your lack of knowledge of mathematics does not limit your career prospects. There are many degrees or certificates you can obtain with very few mathematical credits.

Humanities Careers for People Bad at Math
I will list some great career options requiring very few math skills. Let us consider human sciences. The humanities are specializations related to human being and their life. They are based on the humanities, which are contrasted to hard sciences. Professions in this particular area include language, arts, culture, law and other topics.
Humanitarians can be teachers, linguists, actors, musicians, lawyers, directors, human resource managers. They can choose many other professions in which activities are directly related to people or their lives. If you can derive energy from human interaction, can listen and express your thoughts clearly, you will be fine. More so, if you can process large amounts of information rapidly, and desire to serve people, then you can choose a career in human science.
Which specific careers you can choose from human science? Careers in particular can include language, arts, culture, and law.
Human and hard sciences are usually contrasted by comparing people with a humanitarian and technical mindset. It is a widely accepted notion that «technical people» have a certain calculated look at life. Allegedly, they are pragmatic, and have the ability to stand on sure ground. And «humanity people», as opposed to technical people, have the dreamy natures and live in the clouds.
But this so just no more than imposed stereotypes which have nothing to do with the reality. I have seen scientists who were daydreaming, and I know many lawyers who are astute confident business people.
But think about what would happen to a society without teachers, psychologists, social workers, lawyers, journalists?
How aesthetically poorer the world will be without designers, actors, directors, dancers? All these suitable are careers for people bad at math. Humanitarians bring their unique perspective to the development process and without them the whole world will be impoverished.
Some more specific careers for people bad at math.
Here are the careers that are in great demand and can be highly paid. Let us start with the lawyer. Jurisprudence is still «in the trend». Lawyers represent clients in different criminal and civil cases and other legal matters, draft legal documents or manage or advise clients on various legal dealings.
The next ones are middle-manager, marketer, internet-marketer, designer, teacher (school teacher, kindergarten teachers, university teachers, private tutors, and all specialists involved in teaching). Some more rewarding careers are web designers, interior and landscape designers, which are particularly needed.
Fashion design is relevant but the rate of vacant positions is low. The marketing career is always relevant, as the competition in the market among producers of goods and services grows stronger every year.
I will tell you a secret – programming (coding) does not always require good math skills, although math is really helpful to understand coding. Programming is based on mathematical logic, but higher-end languages require logic than math.
Here we also have other more special careers close to marketing, such as product manager, event manager, BTL manager, brand manager, marketing manager.
Other careers, such as PR-specialist, translators/interpreters, photographers, psychologists, social worker journalists, copy-writer, stage, motion pictures, television, radio, and video operator are also among careers in demand according to recent research.
Film directors are creative visionaries who turn the idea of the writer into a screenplay. They ensure that everything goes as planned, making important decisions about how to turn the scenes. They oversee how the actors look like and act and which details should be used in the frame. Dynamic and creative, this kind of work rarely includes any math calculations.
The teacher career option we will discuss independently as it has lots of variations. History teacher, philosophy and religion teacher, library-science teacher, law teacher, sociology teacher, and many other variants are out there.
If you can motivate children to behave and work hard on academic material, it can certainly be a useful career. There are a lot of advantages to be a teacher. Teachers usually teach in the first half of the day. They work in a pleasant environment – no dangerous roofs, sewage systems, no carcinogenic factories.
And today, when more jobs are part-time, temporary, or with not so many advantages, the vast majority of teaching positions in public schools are full-time and enormously benefits. Teaching is one of the few jobs in which you receive a lifetime guarantee retirement pension. And teachers have a summer holiday. Would you like to have a summer as months off?

Medical Careers Options Without Much Math
Another list of jobs that do not require math includes medical careers. Medical careers are popular paths for many people who are bad at math. Between a high-paying career and an infinite career ladder, it is a great industry of choice. Some nurses and technicians have to take math at college, but that math is not too hard really.
Not only these but some other the medical professions have minimum math requirements. These are nursing, therapist (occupational therapist), dental hygiene, clinical psychologist, medical secretary, phlebotomist, pediatrician, diagnostic medical sonographer, medical lab technician, medical transcriptionist, and acupuncturist.
Most nursing programs require only one or two basic math courses. You will use math every day, but without formulas and equations. As a dental hygienist, you will not be using that much math. During college, you will attend only some basic math classes. You will apply this information to the small number of administrative duties you can perform in the dentist’s office.
As an acupuncturist, most of your research will focus on different types of methodologies and none of them includes much math at all. To become a medical transcriptionist, you learn more about anatomy and physiology than about formulas and equations. Depending on the type of program you choose, you may have to do math at the most basic level of college.
Social Non-Math Careers for Introverts
There is no huge amount of mathematics for social work students. Basic statistics and mathematics are maximum what you can expect. Occupational therapists evaluate, plan, organize, and participate in rehabilitation programs that help to develop or restore professional, domestic, and daily skills, as well as general independence for persons with disabilities or developmental delays.
As a phlebotomist, you must know the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Particular attention should be paid to the introverts who are bad at math. Introverts can be very successful if they use their strengths. Introverts can enjoy working in an environment with limited social interactions, so they can spend more time thinking and developing new ideas.
For introverts who are also bad at math, choosing a career in a more creative or humanitarian research field may be a good option. They can be great creatives – writers, artists, designers. Such people can choose to write analytical articles and author columns on social topics and politics
Writers and authors are good career choices for those who bad at math. They create a wide range of written content. They can specialize in writing novels, songs, commercials, blogs, copywriting, and much more.
They can work with the editor to prepare their work for publication and make changes to improve their work. They can work as editors. Their work may also include the study of a certain subject.
Also, worth to be noted such careers as historians, archaeologists, animal trainers, and floral designers. Fitness trainers need people skills, but animal trainers can focus on working with animals. Neither profession requires math.
People who bad at math might enjoy the research work of a historian or archaeologist. These careers are not mathematical and historians or archaeologists are usually able to do their research alone. They mostly work with events that occurred in the past, as historians and archaeologists work primarily with historical documents and ancient artifacts.
They try to analyze a specific time of period, event, or a historical person. They can present their results in books or reports and help to store materials and artifacts for museums and historic sites.
Animal trainers usually work with a different breeds of dogs. They teach them how to respond to visual and verbal commands. People who bad at math may find this career attractive, as it involves working with animals instead of humans and requires little mathematics. Most trainer positions require only a high school diploma, but some require a bachelor’s degree.
The flower design is another area of creativity that people who hate math might enjoy. Flower designers also use only basic mathematics to buy and sell their materials and products. They usually have a high school diploma and study while working.

Money Making Non-Math career – Sales
I have to mention this separately. Anywhere, if you want to make loads of money, sales skills are very important. Effective salespeople can make lots of money with the right product, or even start their own business. And they do not need to study math and formulas for that.
For more details about what different careers require you can check US government site.
To summarize our conclusions, we can confirm whether you bad at math or are not interested in the idea of doing math as a career, fortunately, there are many paying jobs. There are lots of careers for people who are bad at math, but you might have to use some math to get there.
Mathematical skills demonstrate a certain level of academic achievement. They also demonstrate your ability to solve problems and use logical thinking. You cannot use math at work, but basic skills can help you at least to find a job. The question of mathematics is controversial.
Deep knowledge of mathematics is neither necessary nor sufficient. Of course, it will be easier for someone who knows it but feel free to do what you like and do not force yourself to do anything else.